بحوث التدريسين
اسم الباحث | عنوان البحث | ||||
خالده صالح مرزه محيميد | Effect of Foliar Spray of Nano Silver and Organic Fertilizer (Algastar) and Salicylic Acid on Some Morphological Characteristics and Carbohydrate Content in (Helianthus annuus L.) | ASSOCIATION OF AMYLASE ACTIVITY WITH SOME BIOCHEMICAL VARIABLES IN UNCOTROLLED TYPE 1 IRAQI DIABETIC PATIENTS | |||
ليلى طه ياسين جابر | Artical review: phage therapy is a potential alternative for antimicrobial agents | ||||
هبة امين كاظم | Prevalence of resistance E. coli against trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in patients with UTI | Review on correlation of different risk factors and global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease staging in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in Baghdad | Genetic detection about vancomycin resistance genes in Enterococci in urine samples isolated from different hospitals in Baghdad | ||
آلاء حميد عيسى | اثر انموذج استفلت واستودرت في تعديل الفهم المخطوء لدى طالبات الصف الثاني المتوسط | اثر انموذج كوسوكروف في الفهم القرائي لدى طالبات الصف الثاني المتوسط | |||
شيماء غني عبد صادق | Relationship between Chronic Hepatitis B Virus and Pathogenicity of Celiac Disease in the Iraqi Patients | Detection Anti-Tissuetransglutaminase Antibodies of Celiac Disease in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients | Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B markers in Iraqi patients with chronic Hepatitis B virus Article | the relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection and reproductive disorder | The Relationship Between Infertility and Infection with Clarithromycin Resistant Strain of Helicobacter Pylori in Iraq |
مروة حميد فاضل عبدالخضر | Influence of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone on Liver Enzymes Levels in Serum of Thyroid Disorder Iraqi Patients | ||||
عفراء ناجي جميل سلمان | Molecular Detection of Some Virulence Factors Genes of Proteus Mirabilis That Isolated From Urinary Tract Infection | MOLECULAR STUDY OF RPOB GENE IN PROTEUS MIRABILIS ISOLATED FROM URINARYTRACT INFECTION FROM DIFFERENT HOSPITALS IN BAGHDAD | |||
ميلاد خلف امعيدي نصار | خلاصة البلاغة للامدي كتاب الموازنة انموذجا | ||||
آلاء داود سلمان صالح | هلاك قوم عاد في منظار الكتب السماوية | هلاك اصحاب الفيل | هلاك قوم لوط – عليه السلام | ( اصحاب السبت بين القرآن الكريم والكتاب المقدس ) | |
سحر شهيد كاظم غيدان الرببعي | Possible role statins on the inflammatory biomarkers in patients with periodontal disease:a cross sectional study | Endothelin-1 is surrogate biomarker link severe periodontitis and endothelial dysfunction in hypertensive patients: the potential nexus | The safety of dental x-ray machine against the deoxryribonucleic acid(DNA):in vitro model explores the effects of chlorine free radical, duration of exposure and the doses of iradiation | ||
سمر محمد غني سليمان داود | Effect of gliclazide add on Metformin on serum omentin_1 levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus | ||||
رقية ماجد حسن داود | Molecular and Biochemical characterizations of staphylococcus aureus Blactamase recovered from iraqi patientsns with UTI of staphylococcus | ||||
مروه صباح حسين الاحمد | Methionine as Environmentally- Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor for Aluminium Alloy 5083 in acidic and Alkaline Solutions. | Evaluation of Serum Adropin Levels in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease as A Complication of Hypothyroidism In Iraqi Patients. | Serum Afamin As A Novel Biomarker for NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease as A Complication of Hypothyroidism in Iraqi Patients. | ||
سرى أحمد صالح | الشخصية والواقع في رواية الحفيدة الامريكية | ||||
منى احمد عيسى كريف | Structural and Optical properties of SnO2 doped ZnO thin films prepared by Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser Deposition | Spectroscopic study the plasma parameters for SnO2 doped ZnO prepared by pulse Nd:YAG laser deposition | |||
هبه احمد غبد الستار | THE PROFILE OF MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASE-9 IN RELATION TO COILING INDEX OF HUMAN UMBILICAL CORD | Interrelationship among smoking habit, Drug user, and exposure to stressful situations in college students in baghdad, Iraq | |||
صالح علي محمود | Genetic Association between Human DNA Double-Strand Break Repair Gene Xrcc7 Polymorphism with Staging and Development of Bladder Cancer | Genetic association between xeroderma pigmentosum polymorphism rs2228000 with staging and development of bladder cancer |