A lecturer. Buthaina ibraheem hameed Al-Ezzi

A lecturer. Buthaina ibraheem hameed Al-Ezzi

Curriculum Vitae

A lecturer. Buthaina ibraheem hameed Al-Ezzi

Mobile: +9647702884409


Personal Summary:


A   lecturer in the Department of pharmacy in Osul-AL-Dean University College

A  lecturer in the Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences/ College of Pharmacy / University of Mustansiriyah and have  Professionality  with 30 Years of Experience in Teaching Undergraduate Students


  1. phd in Biology / University of Baghdad / Iraq (2018)
  2. Master immunology and general biology /University of Baghdad /Iraq (2012).

3.Bachelor of biology/university of Baghdad 1987



  • 1 Thanks and Appreciation Letter from the Higher Education Minister.
  • 2Reward from the Mr. Dean of Al-Anbar University
  • 4 Thanks and Appreciation Letters from University of Al-Mustansiriyah President.
  • 12 Thanks and Appreciation Letters from the Dean of the College of Pharmacy/ University of Al-Mustansiriyah.





  • lecturer teaches practical microbiology undergraduate students at third class at a medicine college of al-Anbar university. (1989-2003)
  • lecturer teaches practical pharmacognacy  for undergraduate students at third class at college of Pharmacy/ University of Al-Mustansiriyah. (2003-2007)

3- Lecturer teaches practical Medical Microbiology for undergraduate students at second class at college of Pharmacy/ University of Al-Mustansiriyah. (2007-2011)

4- Lecturer teaches practical Pathophysiolog for undergraduate students at third class at college of Pharmacy/ University of Al-Mustansiriyah. (2011-2012)

Assistant Professor teaches Medical Parasitology and Virology for undergraduate students at second class at college of Pharmacy/ University of Al-Mustansiriyah. (2015)

5-  Assistant Professor teaches Pathophysiology for undergraduate students at third class at college of Pharmacy/ University of Al-Mustansiriyah.

6- Assistant Professor teaches Anatomy for undergraduate students at first class at college of Pharmacy/ University of Al-Mustansiriyah. (2016)

7- lecturer Professor teaches Physiopathology for postgraduate students at clinical laboratory department at college of Pharmacy/ University of Al-Mustansiriyah.

8- lecturer Professor teaches histology and public health for postgraduate students at pharmacy department in Osul al dean university college



Undergraduate Graduate
 Pharmaceutical microbiology/ third grade

histology / first grade

Human biology / first grade

Medical  Microbiology /second grade

Medical Parasitology/second grade

Physiopathology third grade

Public health fourth stage





  • Examination Committee Member at College of Pharmacy / University of Al Mustansiriyah 2007/2008.
  • Examination Committee Member at College of Pharmacy / University of Al Mustansiriyah 20011/2012
  • Examination Committee Member at College of Pharmacy / University of Al Mustansiriyah 2012/2013
  • Examination Committee Member at College of Pharmacy / University of Al Mustansiriyah 2018/2019





  • Certificate of training in PCR training work shop, in Genetic engineering and biotechnology Institute / University of Baghdad (2007).
  • Attendance certificate in the 7th Scientific Conference of Baghdad University/ College of Pharmacy. (2008).
  • Attendance certificate in the 1st Scientific Conference of Al-Mustansiriya University/ College of Pharmacy. (2010).
  • Attendance certificate in the 6th Scientific Conference of Al-Mustansiriya University/ College of Medicine. (2011).
  • Attendance certificate in the 1st Scientific Symposium Held by the Department of Medical Microbiology and Biotechnology/ College of Pharmacy/ Al-Mustansiriya University. 6/4/2011.
  • Attendance certificate in the Specialized Scientific Symposium third- Polymer Research Unit/ Faculty of science/ University of mustansiriyah.(2012).
  • Attendance certificate in the Scientific Symposium of Al-Nahrain University/ College of science. (2012)
  • Attendance certificate in the 2nd Scientific Symposium Held by the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology/ College of Pharmacy/ Al-Mustansiriya University. 13/12/2012.
  • Attendance certificate in the 2nd Scientific Symposium Held by the Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences/ College of Pharmacy/ Al-Mustansiriya University. 18/2/2013.
  • Attendance certificate in the 9th Scientific Conference of Al-Mustansiriya University/ College of Medicine. (2014).
  • Attendance certificate in the 2nd Scientific Symposium Held by the Department of Clinical Pharmacy/ College of Pharmacy/ Al-Mustansiriya University. 8/4/2014.
  • (2015).
  • Attendance certificate in the 3rd Scientific Symposium Held by the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ College of Pharmacy/ Al-Mustansiriya University. 4/4/2016.
  • Attendance certificate in the 4th Scientific Symposium Held by the Department of Clinical Pharmacy/ College of Pharmacy/ Al-Mustansiriya University. 7/5/2016.
  • Attendance certificate in the 4th Scientific Symposium Held by the Department of Pharmacognasy and Medicinal Plants/ College of Pharmacy/ Al-Mustansiriya University. 10/5/2016.
  • Challenge and tricks of publishing brainstorming 19-12-2017
  • The 17 th scientific symposium in department of clinical pharmacy of collage of pharmacy Al-Mustansiriyah university.25 April 2018
  • Update in breast cancer research and treatment (Hopes for the future )15-3-2018
  • 13th scientific conference-mustansiriyah medical college 22-23-3-2018
  • 1st international science conference of medical and pharmaceutical science.18-19-4-2018

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