Sami malik abdulhameed

Sami malik abdulhameed


Full Name Sami malik abdulhameed Date of Birth 1-7-1953
Place of Birth Babylon/    Alhindeia Marital Status  Maried
Nationality  Iraqi Religion  Muslim
English Skills Reading and Writing Computer Skills Good
Mobile No 07901814771 Email




Institute/University Degree City/Country Major Graduation Year
  Baghdad University  Bachelor   Dentistry  1978
 University of Minnesota/  U.S.A. M. Sc.  Minneapolis  Dentistry 1988
 University of Minnesota/  U.S.A. Certificate
 Minneapolis  Dentistry 1988
 Dentistry 1988


Employment History:-


Company Name Location Job Title Date/From Date/To
 Bagh. Univ. Col of Dent.  Baghdad  Faculity  1978  2012
 Al yarmouk privite Univ. Baghdad  Faculity  2012 2016
 Ibn- Hayan Privite Univ.  Karbala  Faculity 2016 2017
Osol- aldeen Privite Univ. Baghdad Faculity 2017 2021


Work Experience / Responsibility / Duty:-

Lecturer and Clinical Instructer

Pediatric Dentistry 4th and 5th year classes








All C. E.  and work shop in the college and out side






Evaluation of clinical success and survival rates of different types of spacemaintainers in pediatric  dentistry Sami M. Abdulhameed; M.Sc. ; Maha A. Almashhadany; Al Mustansrea dent. Jurnal 1st Ed. 2016.


Acomparative  invivoclinical assesmentof flowable composite and glass ionomer filling in cl lll restorations of primary maxillary incisors. Sami Malik Abdulhameed; Al- yarmomuk journal ,2016.










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